Aus dem KotFE Q&A (Reddit)

Q: Will there be more crystals in the Cartel Market? A: Yes there will always be more lightsaber crystals, can't verify trailer saber colors. Though it would be stupid of us not to.

Q: What's coming for PvP? Maps? A: No new environments or gameplay types that we can talk about.

Q: Revamp conquests? A: It will be made relevant to current content, willing to hear ideas to make it better.

Q: Any plans to revisit or add new areas to old planets? A: Cannot talk about at this time.

Q: Any plans to make a novel to expand on story? A: No current plans.

Q: Outfit designer, add DPS/Tank PvP/PvE options?! big cheers A: It's a good idea, we'll think about it.

Q: Will companions interact more with the player, and actually care about decisions being made? A: They will be huge part of KotFE, we will be improving them.

Q: Auto level 60, will they be able to go back to older content? A: Short answer no. Auto lvl skips it. Making accessible to play now.

Q: Closure to macro binocular missions? A: Guarantee shroud will be back, but can't confirm when.

Q: Why so long b/w ops? A: Revamping ops and FPs now, will announce new stuff after.

Q: GSF?!!! A: every intention to add, but comes down to what the game needs more, like ground PvP.
