Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014
Es ist fix: 3.0 bringt einen Marken-Reset mit sich
I wanted to explain exactly how the Commendation stuff will work in 3.0 as I know I still had some questions I was unsure of on the stream. Here is the basic layout of what will happen in 3.0.

Planetary and Classic Commendations no longer exist. All current Planetary and Classic Commendations will become Basic.

All Elite and Ultimate Commendations that you have will become Basic Commendations. Elite and Ultimate Commendations still exist but you will need to earn them anew in 3.0.

I know there are a few followup questions; what will the cap be, is there a conversion rate, etc. We are still working out Details like that in testing but as soon as we have it nailed down I will let you know!


TLDR: Alle Marken werden einfache Marken und aus!

Es wird vermutlich einen Wechselkurs für Elite und Ultimate Marken geben und wir werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit die Rückkehr des Overflow-Caps von 2013 erleben.

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