Montag, 6. April 2015
Patch 3.1.2: Wiederholbare Solo Modes und neue Mounts
Solo Mode Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan Flashpoints are now repeatable and can be picked up at any time from the access quest NPCs. Furthermore, any players who were unable to progress past the Forged Alliances Solo Arc due to having completed the solo mode Flashpoint prior should now be able to progress. The Mission "Torch's Flame" will be reset by this change.
The XP and credits reward for Solo Mode Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan Flashpoints have been adjusted as they are now repeatable.

Vehicles with the new “Flourish” functionality will be available in the Cartel Market soon!

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Demnächst: Eine Woche Doppel-EP
Revel in the arrival of Star Wars™ Celebration with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from April 16th at 11:00 PDT/18:00 GMT to April 22nd at 00:01 PDT/07:00 GMT!

Von 16. April um 20 Uhr (Donnerstag) bis 22. April um 9 Uhr (Mittwoch).

Für manche ist das "eine Woche", für andere ist es "nur ein verlängertes Wochenende". Am 18. April (Samstag) wird außerdem die Anaheim SWTOR-Cantina (und die Star Wars Celebration läuft ja auch noch und beschert Star Wars-Fans sicher so einige interessante News und Ankündigungen) stattfinden, deren Hauptteil sogar via Livestream übertragen werden wird. Als möglicher Überraschungsgast hat sich außerdem Drew Karpyshyn angekündigt und mit dem neuen "viralen Mounts" dürfte dann ab Sonntag via Reddit, dem Forum auf und Social Media die Jagd nach entsprechenden Codes beginnen.

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Das Ende des PVP-Marken-Schmuggels naht... morgen!
PSA: Changes to Stronghold Titles Coming in 3.1.2 Tomorrow | 04.06.2015, 10:18 AM
Hey PvPers,

Heads up on a change that some of you spotted as being in Game Update 3.2 on PTS, it is actually a part of 3.1.2 which is coming tomorrow. The change is around three Stronghold titles, which some players are using to move around Warzone Commendations in a way we did not intend. Here are the changes:

The following Stronghold Titles are now Bind on Pickup:
Stronghold Label: Imperial Sanctuary
Stronghold Label: Republic Sanctuary
Stronghold Label: Starfighter's Lounge
If you have any of these titles unbound, they will bind to you as of tomorrow.



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