Vorläufige 4.6a Patch Notes
4.6a Patch - Tuesday, July 5th 2016 | 07.01.2016, 11:24 PM
Hey everyone,

As Eric mentioned on the stream yesterday, we are putting together a patch to go live next week that will address a few issues that we've seen since the release of 4.6.

We are currently planning a maintenance on Tuesday, July 5th from 7AM PDT (1500 BST) - 9AM PDT (1700 BST), and here are the tentative notes for the patch:

Players can no longer become unable to progress in Chapter 15 due to making certain conversation choices.

The Bogstalker Handler’s License can now be used by players who have a Ginx Companion.

Increased the maximum available number of Character Slots per server. Free-To-Play, Preferred, and Subscriber Players have had their available slots increased to 22/26/50.

The Grand Chance Cubes will no longer drop invalid items.

Color Crystals obtained from the Force-Bound Dark vs. Light boxes are now unlocked in Collections as intended.

It is now possible to unlock the 6th Cargo Bay Tab with the Account Unlock option.

The Victorious Pioneer’s 5-Piece Set Bonus now properly applies its Experience boost.

Players are no longer killed randomly in Alliance Proving Grounds.

Jawa Junk stacks now always drop at the max quantity possible:
Scrap: Scavenged Scrap (Green) – 15 per stack
Scrap: Assorted Droid Parts (Blue) – 10 per stack
Scrap: Jawa Junk (Purple) – 3 per stack




xellmann, Samstag, 2. Juli 2016, 13:51
Was les ich das richtig lila Schrott dropt beim Sammeln?

pfannenstiel, Samstag, 2. Juli 2016, 13:52
Aus den Allianzpaketen

xellmann, Samstag, 2. Juli 2016, 14:50
Achso na dann nix neues 😯

reservoir dog, Montag, 4. Juli 2016, 16:07
und was ist mit den Glückswürfeln?

xellmann, Montag, 4. Juli 2016, 16:37
diese sind seltener anzutreffen

fl4k3r, Dienstag, 5. Juli 2016, 13:08
Was sollen denn "Invalid" Items sein? Also Sachen die man schon freigeschaltet hat oder wie?