Interessantes zu Yavin 4

Aus der Q&A-Zusammenfassung von Pretty Little Sith zum SOR Event in der EA-Zentrale:


Dev: I think as well, doing a solo story leading to the operation, it had its pleasant ideas – we really wanted to get solo players more aware of how cool an operation can be, give them something that’s like “no, really!” Like you said, in the Dreadmaster story, there’s cool stuff happening here that maybe they weren’t familiar with or didn’t even realize existed. So you know. That’s what we’ve tried to do with SoR. Have the story lead into an operation. Downside to that was [in Oricon] you couldn’t see the very end of that story unless you played an operation and so I think learning from that was, we always need to try and make sure there’s a solo way to experience the coolness, the main parts of the story, the story of SoR.


Heather: Is there going to be any other content-expansions before the next big expansion? Like Galactic Starfighter?

Dev: It’s safe to say that there are a finite number of core Star Wars fantasies. Piloting for GSF, being on the flagship and conquering planets is another. Those are very much filling the need that we are asked about at Community Cantinas. Fulfilling a need that we felt and our community felt. Unless you think of something… nothing to that scope. We’re doubling down on our BioWare cinematic storytelling.


PLUS Audio-File unter:

Spekulation: Story-Elemente in fast jedem Game Update des kommenden Jahres? Mehr Oricon anstatt CZ-198 (aufwendigere Intro-Quests)?
