Aus der Bostoner Community Cantina wird ein Livestream zur 3.2 Präsentation
*Cancelled* The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Boston, Massachusetts! | 02.20.2015, 04:10 PM
Hey folks,

Unfortunately I am here to deliver some bad news. Due to the crazy winter the northeast has been getting hit with, we are going to cancel our Boston Cantina Event. I know this may impact plans that some of you are having and so we tried to make this decision ASAP based on what the weather conditions looked like. I will make sure our news article and Facebook event also reflect this.

However, as you know, at our Cantinas it has been our goal to change up the format a little bit. Focus less on the Q&A and more on a presentation or something akin to that where we can deliver new information. Well, we are going to take our plans from PAX East and wrap that into a live stream. I don't have an exact date yet, my guess is we will do a livestream the week after PAX where we will talk about what's coming in the future!

I will post more information on the livestream once I have it. Thank you all for your understanding.


Personalmangel, Wetterprobleme und vielleicht auch fehlendes PR-Material (von den für 2015 geplanten Cantina-Gimmicks wurde Boston anfangs ausgenommen) machen es möglich oder notwendig, dass man die Boston-Cantina doch in einem enthüllerischen Livestream verpacken kann. Bioware nimmt die großen 3.2 Enthüllungen also in die eigene Hand, womit zwar mehr offiziell bestätigt wird und weniger Gerüchte entstehen werden, doch auch weniger Informationen versehentlich in Umlauf geraten werden.
