Großrazzia im Creditseller-Milieu
Taking Down a Credit Selling Ring | 05.06.2015, 08:12 PM
Hey folks,

Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.

Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.

Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!


Klingt ja fast wie echte Nachrichten.


vigosolo, Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015, 23:02
Sehr schön, es gab kaum was nerverigeres als die Werbung im mailfach ... wenn man das ewige generve auf der Flotte mal ausser acht lässt!

thelondo, Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015, 08:56
Da stellt sich nur die Frage was nerviger ist. Die Credit-Seller Werbung ab und an oder die Gildenwerbung die teilweise im Minutentakt im Chat erscheint ;)

pfannenstiel, Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015, 09:24
Die könnte man auch eindämmen, wenn man Spammern ab einer bestimmten Anzahl von Spam-Meldungen für ein paar Minuten den Chat abdreht ;-)