Freitag, 22. Mai 2015
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Bioware
1995 gegründet feiert BioWare heute seinen 20. Geburtstag und zumindest auf Twtitter wird gefeiert, wenn auch scheinbar nicht ingame (egal ob in Dragon Age, SWTOR oder Mass Effect).

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BioWares großes PVP-Update?
Update on Win-Trading in Season 5 | 21.05.2015, 16:29
Originally Posted by Dacri View Post
Hey Eric, it is known that not having any requiriment to anyone to do solo ranked is allowing trolls to troll..
Have you guys considered adding requeriments to queue such as 2018 expertise base (non bolstered)?
I suggested it on a thread on PVP section, had some people supporting, but would be cool if this could be added, since it is not only trolls who queue for solo ranked, certain PVErs who missclicked or random people who missclicked too.
Would appreciate a response!
Thanks for sharing the update too!

I'm gonna be a little dodgy and not answer your question, BUT, I will say that just yesterday Alex Modny and I did a long interview with the BadFeelingPodcast about PvP. All I will say is you will want to tune into it as we talk about a few changes coming to PvP. I believe they will publish it sometime next week.


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