Aus dem 5.2 Datamining: Spuren zum Verräter [und zu Spoilern]
Lana Beniko: The Shroud would normally be a suspect, but we've already cracked that mystery. Then there's Darth Jadus, or a rogue agent inside the Republic SIS...

Outlander: I'm the ruler of the Eternal Alliance. Of the galaxy. Who would dare turn against me?
Outlander: I've given up everything to help the galaxy rebuild. Who would try to destroy me?


Republic Fleet Access
I know you sided with the Empire, but I wouldn't dock your ship with the Imperial Fleet just yet. Vaiken Spacedock's not safe. I ran a full security assessment, and Lana reached out to some old contacts to see if we could work out an arrangement. No matter how you slice it, we can't guarantee that you--a decorated Republic hero--could walk through the Imperial station without getting ambushed. Then there's the risk of your ship being stolen or sabotaged. I guess some Imps aren't as accepting as Empress Acina. Luckily, yours truly worked out a fix. Thanks to my handiwork, your ship's updated with new-and-improved landing credentials. They'll let you dock with the Republic Fleet at Carrick Station without raising any alarms. As long as you don't whip out any Imperial banners, you should be fine.

Imperial Fleet Access
I know you sided with the Republic, but you should think twice before docking with their fleet at Carrick Station. I ran a full security assessment, and there are too many variables--from the risk of an ambush to ship security. No matter how you slice it, we can't guarantee that you--a former champion of the Empire--could walk through the Republic station without a hundred people taking a shot at you. Not even Malcom can ensure your safety. Luckily, yours truly worked out a fix. Thanks to my handiwork, your ship's updated with new-and-improved landing credentials. They'll let you dock with the Imperial Fleet at Vaiken Spacedock without raising any alarms. Just try not to redecorate the place with Republic insignias.

Surveillance Initialized
As you requested, we've begun surveilling the Eternal Alliance and its many partners in an attempt to root out the traitor on Iokath. Impartial third-party agents are conducting the investigation. They've compiled the following encrypted report for your eyes only. Not even Theron or I can see its contents. SURVEILLANCE REPORT Scans are complete for all Alliance communications sent in the past 24 hours. Of these messages, 11% contained language that implicitly or explicitly criticized the Commander and/or the Eternal Alliance. Flagging these 1,681 Alliance personnel for Stage 2 Monitoring. The remaining messages broke down as follows: - 67% official Alliance reports (Iokath surveys, battle updates, etc.) - 18% employee complaints (food, living conditions, etc.) - 6% family missives (birth announcements, recipes, funerals, etc.) - 4% letters expressing love/affection between Alliance personnel - 3% encoded transmissions (contained financial data, nothing suspicious) - 2% unsent drafts Next Steps: Prioritize suspects and begin targeted investigations. Mass-scale monitoring will continue. More reports to follow.

Breach of Trust
I'm sickened, Commander. I was just informed that you approved a plan to spy on every member of the Eternal Alliance. I called them lies, but then I confronted Lana--and I learned that it's all true. Our people sacrificed everything to follow your cause. This is how you repay them? By betraying their trust, invading their privacy, and digging through their personal lives? I know you've been stung by a traitor's actions, but this isn't the answer. While you wage a war to root out one corrupting agent, you risk laying waste to everything else you've built, and betraying everything the Alliance stands for. I considered sending you my resignation, but I won't abandon the people who look to me for guidance. I've surrendered my files to your spies. I will continue to fight for the Eternal Alliance. I sincerely hope you find this traitor before more damage is done.

Surveillance Report: Lana Beniko
[Note: The following surveillance report was compiled for the Alliance Commander only.] Subject: Lana Beniko, former Minister of Sith Intelligence. Family: Parents Jaren and Kelsa (deceased). No siblings. Beniko follows a regimented daily schedule of meditation, sparring practice, coordination of Eternal Alliance spy networks, a strict diet, and a mixture of tea and bourbon before bed. Writes poetry on (poorly) encrypted datapad. Judging by email scans, adherence to routine, and professional pride, Beniko has a low likelihood of sedition. However, Intelligence training gives her the necessary tools to mask true motives. Threat Degree: Inconclusive. Next Steps: Elevate Beniko to Stage 3 Monitoring. Focus on her communications with spy network contacts. Send poetry to cryptographers to search for hidden messages.

The Traitor
Whoever betrayed you on Iokath is smarter than we thought. Lana and I are running down leads, but they've covered their tracks well. The best we can do is investigate top suspects and rule out others. Captain Elara Dorne and Major Malavai Quinn are both innocent. Multiple sources confirmed they were nowhere near you when the throne was sabotaged. I scanned their personal files, and their stories check out. All your advisors have agreed to be questioned. Hylo nearly gave me a black eye when I asked, but Lana calmed her down. Oggurobb, Aygo, and Sana-Rae were all cooperative. Lana and I are first up for interrogation. As for Malcom, we're just not sure. Most of his communications are shielded by the SIS. He was on the battlefield when the superweapon overloaded, but there was so much chaos I can't find anyone who can confirm his location. We'll keep digging. I know it doesn't count for much, but as his son, I don't believe he's the conspiracy type. We will to find this traitor. It's just going to take some time.

Whoever betrayed you on Iokath is smarter than we thought. Lana and I are running down leads, but they've covered their tracks well. The best we can do is investigate top suspects and rule out others. Captain Elara Dorne and Major Malavai Quinn are both innocent. Multiple sources confirmed they were nowhere near you when the throne was sabotaged. I scanned their personal files, and their stories check out. All your advisors have agreed to be questioned. Hylo nearly gave me a black eye when I asked, but Lana calmed her down. Oggurobb, Aygo, and Sana-Rae were all cooperative. Lana and I are first up for interrogation. Acina's a tougher nut to crack. Most of her intel's guarded by Sith Intelligence. Luckily, I planted some tracers on Dromund Kaas during our last visit, and they just happened to grab a classified message sent to the Empress within a few minutes of the throne's sabotage. I'll decrypt it and alert you if we find something. We will find this traitor. It's just going to take some time.

Kurze Zusammenfassung

Es gibt also vermutlich einen Verräter innerhalb der Allianz, Lana nennt Darth Jadus als potentiellen Drahtzieher und tatsächlich erhält Acina während der Schlacht um Iokath eine Nachricht vom Schattenmann (nicht jedoch Jace Malcom). Imo ist letzteres eine neuerliche Bestätigung dafür, dass die Verschwörung tendentiell imperiale Wurzeln hat.


xellmann, Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017, 20:38
habe ich die 2 vorderen absätze richtig verstanden das wir auf der anderen Station landen können also - FRAKTIONSWECHSEL ?

pfannenstiel, Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017, 21:00
Ich lese das eher so, dass man weiterhin die alte Flotte besuchen kann und sich der Fraktionswechsel nur auf die Story auswirkt?

bueffel123, Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017, 22:00
Klingt beides recht gut muss ich sagen, wenn Fraktionswechsel hätte ich endlich einen PT mit Gewehr und wenn es nur in der Story zählt könnte mein Sniper endlich zur Republik überlaufen weil er Machtanwender nicht mag

mandohunter, Sonntag, 5. März 2017, 11:27
Mir scheint es als könnte an permanent beide FLotten ansteuern.. OMG mir tun die PvP-Chats jetz schon leid wenn rep/imp chats wie auf Odessen-BG zusammengeführt werden xD

xellmann, Sonntag, 5. März 2017, 15:09
der PVP Chat ist das erste was ich immer deaktiviere das ist schon so anstrengend.