Donnerstag, 10. November 2016
Kein "Sith-Spawn", aber zumindest ein Sith-Hund

Laut Datamining zu 5.0 erwartet uns schon bald (Jänner-Februar 2017) ein Tuk'ata als Tiergefährte.

Und noch was:

Ein instabiles Lichtschwert mit Parierstange kommt auch irgendwann.

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Dienstag, 8. November 2016
Ein cooles kommendes Set?

Aus dem Datamining zu 5.0:

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Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016
Soviel sind unsere Auszeichnungen wert
Today , 07:30 AM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.
Hey folks,

As we have discussed previously, Warzone Commendations and Commendation Crystals are being removed from the game with Knights of the Eternal Throne. Our intention is that all of these currencies will be converted into credits on 11/29 when early access starts. Here are the conversion rates for each currency:

1 Warzone Commendation = 50 Credits
1 Common Crystal = 500 credits
1 Glowing Crystal = 1,000 credits
1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits

Upon logging in on 11/29 each of these currencies will be completely removed from the game and the appropriate credits will have been granted to each character on your account. Note that there is a 2 million credit per character limit on this conversion. Please check the conversion table above, if you would earn more than 2 million credits on a character, we recommend that you spend the appropriate currency before that time so that it is not lost. If you have any questions about this conversion, let us know.

Thanks everyone.


Für Veteranen aufgeschlüsselt:

PVP Marken: 50 Credits/Marke
Einfache Auszeichnungen: 500 Credits/Marke
Elite Auszeichnungen: 1000 Credits/Marke
Ultimative Auszeichnungen: 1500 Credits/Marke

Möglich wären also:

500.000 Credits aus Einfachen Marken
500.000 Credits aus Elite Marken
750.000 Credits aus Ultimativen Marken

Gefährtengeschenke wären per BioWare also folgendes wert:

Blau Stufe 5: 2.500 Credits
Lila Stufe 5: 5.000 Credits
Lila Stufe 6: 15.000 Credits

Fragt sich, ob dieser Kurs in 5.0 gilt.

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