Conquest-Änderungen in 5.9 die früher besser gewesen wären

Unendlich: Crafte 50 Items

We are introducing a new repeatable Objective for “Craft 50 items.”

This Objective gives another path for crafters to earn points and is also a mechanism for characters of any level to participate. We will monitor the number of items required to craft closely and will make changes in the future if it is too high, or too low.

Täglich: Töte X NPCs

The “Kill X Enemies” Daily Objective will now be split into three Objectives. Kill 50 / 100 / 150. Additionally, progress on this Objective will not reset everyday (if you killed 40 enemies, it won’t reset back to 0).

Mehr Punkte


Low is now 120, up from 85
Medium is now 180, up from 130
High is now 290, up from 205


Low is now 400, up from 330
Medium is now 600, up from 500
High is now 825, up from 750

Repeatable Objective Changes

Complete a Warzone Objective is now worth 180, up from 85
Complete a GSF Match Objective is now worth 180, up from 85
Complete a FP or Uprising is now worth 290, up from 130

New Objectives

The “Kill 50 enemies” Daily Objective will be worth 400 points
The “Kill 100 enemies” Daily Objective will be worth 600 points
The “Kill 150 enemies” Daily Objective will be worth 825 points
The “Complete 3 Activity Finder Activities” Daily Objective will be worth 400 points
The “Complete 5 Activity Finder Activities” Daily Objective will be worth 825 points
The “Kill the Final Boss of an Operation” Daily Objective will be worth 825 points
The “Craft 50 Items” Repeatable Objective will be worth 120 points
