Donnerstag, 28. August 2008
Red Alert 3 Cast
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Soviet Union
Natasha Volkova. A folk legend and Commando, Volkova is a legendary sniper with a great reputation for marksmanship. According to the game, her talent was supposedly discovered at a young age, but questions exist as to her identity, personality, and abilities, with some suspecting that aspects of these may have been fabricated for the purposes of propaganda. Her precise role in the campaign has yet to be confirmed, but Volkova will appear in cut scenes and as a playable character. She will be portrayed by Gina Carano.
Premier Cherdenko, leader of the Soviet Union. To be portrayed by Tim Curry
Dr. Gregor Zelinsky, responsible for the time machine which they use in their mission to eliminate Einstein, played by Peter Stormare
General Krukov, appears with the Soviet leader and the scientist in the casting trailer. Played by Andrew Divoff
Dasha Fedorovich, also appears within the casting trailer, warning the commander of the attack by the Empire of the Rising Sun. Played by Ivana Milicevic

Allied Nations
Special Agent Tanya, who appeared in Red Alert and Red Alert 2 is listed on the official "factions" page to return for this game. She has a new weapon called the "Chrono Belt" that teleports her five seconds into the past. This creates a great escape if things get too ugly. She will be portrayed by Jenny McCarthy Further details are unknown.
Lt. Eva McKenna, a recently announced character portrayed by Gemma Atkinson.
President Howard T. Ackerman, President of the United States, played by J.K. Simmons
Field Marshal Robert Bingham, a British General with the Allied forces, played by Jonathan Pryce
Commander Warren Fuller, portrayed by former UFC heavyweight champion Randy Couture

Empire of the Rising Sun
Suki Toyama - Japanese officer who briefs and assists the player, played by Kelly Hu
Emperor Yoshiro - Leader of the Empire of the Rising Sun, played by George Takei

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Den Holler sauber putzen, mit Zucker, klein geschnittenen Äpfeln oder Zwetschken weichkochen. Stärke mit etwas Milch glattrühren, in das Kompott mischen, gut verkochen lassen, heiß oder kalt servieren.

Tipp: Nach Belieben mit Rum, Zimt, Nelken oder Zitronenschale würzen.

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