Sonntag, 20. September 2015
He's back: Drew Karpyshyn arbeitet wieder bei BioWare (Austin)!
Speaking of full circle, here’s the second piece of big news: as of this past week, I am back working at BioWare again! For those who don’t know, I spent over a decade with BioWare working on many award winning and fan-beloved games like Mass Effect 1&2, Knights of the Old Republic and the Star Wars: The Old Republic Online MMO. A few years ago I left BioWare to focus on my Chaos Born novels, but now that the trilogy is finished, I’ve decided to come back into the fold. But for those of you who love my novels, don’t worry – I’ll still be writing more of those, too!

Working at BioWare was a challenging but very rewarding job, and it’s good to be back as part of the team. The thing I missed most about BioWare was the amazing people I got to work with, and luckily for me many of them are still there! I suspect a lot of folks are going to wonder if this means BioWare is about to announce a new project tied to my return. The short answer: no. I originally came to the Austin studio many years ago to work on SWTOR and – at least for now – that’s what I’m focusing on again.


Der Meister kehrt zurück und wird "vorerst" wohl auch wieder an SWTOR mitschreiben.

Das passt zu meiner Theorie, dass man sich für die Kapitel künftig auch Prominenz wie Karpyshyn oder Freed ins Boot holen kann. Wobei Karpyshyn ja scheinbar wieder fix mit an Bord kommt. Fanboy-Hype inc!

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